What Are The Benefits To Production For Using Everyset?

How production benefits from using Everyset:

By using Everyset, production is able to go digital with Background Payroll. BG Payroll not only allows production to save paper but it also enables us to get you paid faster. Through our digital voucher, you and production are signing off in real-time, allowing accounting teams to get your signed voucher and start paperwork instantly.

Previously, stacks of start paperwork and vouchers would go to the Production Office where someone would sit there and manually review them before they were approved for payroll. They would then be scanned, one by one, and sent to the payroll company.

Everyset allows productions to know when start paperwork is completed, securely keep track of it, and our automated calculations drastically reduce the time accounting has to spend looking over vouchers before approving them for payment. Once a voucher is approved, it is sent to the payroll company via our secure network, which allows you to get paid not only faster, but more securely.