After logging in on, navigate to the “AD Team” tab and the day you would like to verify I-9s on.
Under the Actions column, you will see the I-9 icons. If the icon is gray, it is incomplete and the background actor still needs to submit their paperwork. If the icon is black, the I-9 has been submitted and is ready to be verified. Click the black I-9 icon.
This will pop-up that background actor’s submitted I-9 as well as their proof of identity documents. You will compare this with the documents they bring to set. You can either “Verify” or “Reject” this.
If you reject, their I-9 will unlock in their profile so they can make edits and re-submit for you to approve. This approval only needs to be done once per actor, per project.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to your dedicated Account Manager via email, or call 844-771-0739.