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  2. Assistant Directors

How to Verify an I-9

After logging in on production.everyset.com, navigate to the “AD Team” tab and the day you would like to verify I-9s on.

Under the Actions column, you will see the I-9 icons. If the icon is gray, it is incomplete and the background actor still needs to submit their paperwork. If the icon is black, the I-9 has been submitted and is ready to be verified. Click the black I-9 icon.

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This will pop-up that background actor’s submitted I-9 as well as their
proof of identity documents. You will compare this with the documents they bring to set. You can either “Verify” or “Reject” this.

If you reject, their I-9 will unlock in their profile so they can make edits and re-submit for you to approve. This approval only needs to be done once per actor, per project.

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If you have additional questions, please reach out to your dedicated Account Manager via email, or call 844-771-0739.