How Do I See My Timecard?

Where to find and sign my timecard with details of my work payment.

In order to get paid via Everyset, you will need to register an account on our payroll site,, with the email address that you have provided to the Casting Director of the production. This is where your payroll documents are sent including your timecard for the hours worked.

Click on "Timecards" and click on the timecard you would like to open. Carefully review the contents - rate, times, and bumps. If everything looks correct, select "My timecard is correct," and submit your timecard.

If something is wrong with your timecard, select "My timecard is not correct" and indicate the details of the corrections in a box that will appear and submit it. Refer to this link for more info

As soon as you sign the timecard and all the payroll paperwork, it will be processed and you will receive a payment within 1-2 weeks.

When you dispute the timecard, it will be sent back to production for a resolution.